
My Name is



About me

Data Scientist / Data Engineer / Data Analyst / Machine Learning Engineer

Passionate about transforming data into useful products.

Pivoting from my technical software background to add business acumen and a data-driven approach has allowed me to build on a unique platform of skills.
I am passionate to implement end to end Data Science Project from ETL process, Modelling to Model deployment.


Programming Skills:

Python, Java, SQL, Flask

Machine Learning:

Regression(Linear, Mutli-Linear, Logistic), Classification(SVM, Random Forest, KNN, Naive Bayes), Clustering(K-Means), Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning, Data Preprocessing, Time Series, Recommendation, T-test


Microsoft SQL Server, MYSQL, MongoDB, T-SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL

Data Analysis:

Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, Seaborn, Statsmodels, Scikit-learn, Seaborn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, R, Tableau

Web Technologies:

Spring, HTML, CSS, Javascript


AWS, Jupyter Notebooks, GitHub, PowerBI, Microsoft Office, Netbeans IDE, Eclipse IDE, SQL Server Management Studio, MySQL WorkBench

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Data Science and Machine Learning

Coming from Computer Science background, I have quickly grasped maths behind the machine learning models. Worked on multiple projects related to Supervised and Unsupervised learning. Currently concentrating on Deep learning and Reinforcement learning.

Asset Allocation Quantitative Co-op at GMO LLC, USA :
Jan 2021 - June 2021

Worked for an investment company from data analysis to forecasting on time series data. Extracted data from multiple sources and performed ETL process. Developed models which can be scaled broadly throughout the firm for cash, bond and currency forecasts

Data Analyst at Accenture, India :
Jan 2016 - Dec 2019

Having 4 years of work experience, I worked on multiple projects having steps followed developing, testing, deployment and support. Worked on multiple data related to Pharmacy, oil & Gas domain. Performed Data Analysis, transformation and loading data on multiple SAP clients.Generated multiple reports in Power BI based on client KPI requirement. Having good customer experience and handling emergency request.

iOS Developer at Agicent, India:
July 2015 - Dec 2015

Designed and developed an iOS mobile application using Swift programming and deployed in an app store. This application saves time of an hour per day by displaying the latest top 5 daily news.

Recent Projects

Customer will opt for Bank Term Deposit or not?

Statistical Testing on the Bank dataset with steps followed Exploratory Data Analysis, Feature Engineering, Cross Validation and most important feature selection based on Classification Models (Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Lasso Regression and Decision Tree) model selection using boosting and model evaluation based on AUC Score

Github Link


Global Warming Analysis using Deep Learning

Collected data from various sources – Deforestation API, Antartic Mass loss API, Emissions with web scrapping using Python Beautifulsoup and performed data cleaning using Pandas and visualisation using Matlplotlib. Prediction Anayltics on the final data using LSTM model and predicts how the series can progress in the future based on the past last 10 years data. Used ANN model for predicting future temperature as it was giving good approximation

Github Link


Cancer Treatment Management System

Used DDL queries like table-level constraint, functions, Views, Symmetric Key Encryption for maintaining database also displayed the summary of the Cancer Patient details and the Cancer Treatment Details using PowerBI.

Github Link


Recommendation System

Gathered data from MovieLens Dataset using Beautifulsoup and performed data cleaning and data exploration. Explored movie publish years, ratings for each movies and Movie genre. Furthermore calculated ratings based on Movie Genre

Github Link


Ecommerce Analysis using Regression

Ecommerce company based in New York City that sells clothing online but they also have in-store style.The company is trying to decide whether to focus their efforts on their mobile app experience or their website. Used Seaborn Jointplot to compare the parameters like time spent on website, yearly amount and length of membership columns to see the correlation between them. Used heatmap to find most correlated feature with yearly time spent. Fit data using Multi Linear Regression based on the aforementioned features.

Github Link


MediCare System

Developed a Java Swing application to collaborate various organizations involved in providing facilities to Old age homes across the world saved the data using DB4OUtil. The application would act as a mediator between the Trusts and members of society. It will allow the users to provide services such as Basic Amenities, Sponsor their medications and Fund Medical Treatment and enables the Trusts to address these services

Github Link



Northeastern University ( Jan 2020 - Expected April 2022 ), USA

Masters in Information Systems ( GPA - 3.61 )

Relevant Courses : Application Engineering Developement, Data Science Engineering Methods and Tools, Data Management and Database Design, Designing Advanced Data Architectures For Business Intelligence, Advance Data Science


Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering ( GPA - 3.4 )

Relevant Courses : Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating System, JAVA Programming, Computer Networks, Calculus, Algebra, Engineering Mathematics

Contact info


+1 857 424 7179


Boston, MA, USA